General Information
The gates to the car park are open Monday – Sunday, 8 am – 9 pm.
Vehicles are left in the Car Park at the owners risk. The management accepts no liability for loss or damage caused to any vehicle or its contents in the car park.
To gain access to a vehicle locked in the car park, please call 0735430016.
Terms & Conditions
Please read the Terms and Conditions for hall hire. You will be asked to read and sign the terms and conditions prior to keys being passed over. Any breaches of these terms may result in a fine.
Anti-social behaviour
Appropriate authorities will be contacted in the instance of any anti-social behaviour or damage to property.
In case of emergency, we have a defibrillator on site, located at the front of the building. Please follow instructions on the defibrillator.
Contact information
Please contact the Committee and the team - 07354 300162
Committee Members
Dean Clark (Marston Shelton Rovers FC Rep.)
Beryl Oakley (Life President)
Saverio Bongo (Cllr & Local Resident)
Mark Teague (Resident)
Daniel Simpson (Resident)
Peter Sayer (Ampthill Town CC Rep.)